sarahbax 28th May 2010

Hello cheeky! Just wanted to pop by and say happy whit friday It feels very strange not being involved in whit friday anymore, but would be even stranger and upsetting being involved in it without you by my side. We had some gr8 times and thankfully I have lots of lovely memories which you made :) thank you xxxxx ) I cant believe how time goes by, I still think about you every single moment of everyday,its so hard to think about what happened... my only wish would be to be able to go back in time and change things :( Cant believe your 25 tomorrow darling, your catching up to me now.. but hopefully your looking better than me! hehe :) sweet dreams sweetie.. I best go now as I cant see for tears :( you always manage to do that to me, can you read my thoughts as well? I hope so :) you could always read mine! hehe love you always.. sleep tight.. mind the bed bugs dont bite xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx