adele marsden 18th May 2007

stevani strawberry ed! i love you and miss you every minute,like you told me i was the sister you didnt have,step in girlfriend without the rudey poody stuff and best friend!you were with me all the time and that will never change, me you and jay the 3 muskateers!!but when we were alone we had the most giggles ever!it wont be the same ever again but i have the best memories and storys to tell your future neices and nephews!!who the hell is gunna come badger hunting with me at 3am now elf ed?!whos gunna tell me to pull them out of an imaginary hole because your sinking! and who will chat bubbles with me the way you did?! your the best man, friend,boyfriend,brother,son,nephew anyone can wish for and you will never be forgotten!you one truley amazing guy with the biggest elbows ever not to forget the biceps!like you said i am and always will be your girl!love you forever baby boy!adele x x rip x x