frankie mavro 22nd May 2007

Before skoob entered the room,before you saw his face even,you'd hear him say something first.At least i did!It'd usually be something like "My elbows are WELL sharp" or "You aint even seen the size of my elbows"(He was quite fond of his elbows and their massiveness and/or sharpness.I was quite fond of em too)But more often than not He'd just let out a simple "UUURRRHHH!" to anounce his presence just before you saw his face.I'd laugh every time and smile back my greeting of "UUURRRH"That's what he did for people-he made us smile and laugh.He still does now and will do for a long time.Mine and everyone elses life he was in,will be that much shorter of fun and laughter now.People say "You dont know what you've got till its gone".But we already knew what we had.We didn't have to wait till he was gone to know We had Skooba-An absolutely beautiful person whos gonna be missed so much. Love ya my little Bro xxx P.S UUUURRRHHH hehe xxxxx