adele marsden 9th June 2007

hey babe, im in work doing overtime again gotta earn money to pay for the massive punch im goin to give you when i see you for leaving us all so suddenly!i cant believe your not pulling up at my house with your top off thinking your the man with ya tunes blaring out picking me up to go on a ramdon mission! you are and always were the man dont worry bout that!i know you can see what im going through with you and work and the rest,dr gave me anti depressents but i think of what youd say and i know youd make me be strong so im prob not gunna take them.i know you were taken by the angels for a reason but i cant think of a good enough reason why a honest,loyal,gorgeous,caring,loving, big elbowed,angin breath big dog would be taken but yet the scum bags are left to walk the earth!life isnt fair and it wasnt fair that you were taken so out of the blue and to god damn early.i know your having a huge party and you want us all to be there but dont worry we are with you all the time and you know it.i keep in touch with matthew but its really hard for me cos all i can see in him is you!i call him ste by mistake and go to say due remember this.... except he doesnt cos he isnt you but believe you me he is becoming you and is just as decent as you were.i try to see your boys but i dont want to intrude but its all for you and thats all i think about when i see them or have a drink with and matthew are gunna party mate in creamfields, sion told me ive gotta wear wellies!think hes pulling my leg!you know me id turn up in them aswell ha ha!i love you huni more than anyone will ever know,cant ever replace you.keep listening to snow patrol and remebering when me and you went to see them how funny was it and we went for a few drinks in printworks after and that gay guy kept trying to dance with you and i kept telling him you were interested in him awww god your face it was sooooooo funny!!!!!love you soooooo much and i swear if you dont give me a huge kiss and hug when i see you theres gunna be a huge can of whoopass opened ok!love ya babe! adele x x x x x